Serena J. Cavanaugh :: Blog

January 21, 2010

Homemade Mayo

Filed under: Food & Recipes, Parenting — Tags: , , , , , — serena @ 10:28 pm



Why would anyone want to make their own mayonnaise? Blame it on the movie Julie and Julia, which led me to the memoir My Life in France, which, among other things, got me interested in mayonnaise. Interestingly enough, this everyday shelf item that we toss ungraciously in potato salads and smother on our sandwiches without a thought was once a fancy sauce.


January 6, 2010

Homemade Cereal

Filed under: Food & Recipes, Married to a Miser, women — Tags: , , , , , , , — serena @ 9:51 pm

 granola1color.jpg image by fanaticcook

In my quest to eliminate processed foods, the one thing I had difficulty letting go was cereal.

Why is cereal so appealing?

Perhaps it’s the simple prep. Open box, pour into bowl, add milk. Maybe it’s that crunchy sound in the quiet morning. Or it could be the way the milk coats the little pieces of toasted grains. Or all the various fruits you can add to it –   (more…)

November 12, 2009

Greener School Lunches

Mason Jars Replace Boxes, Bottles and Smelly Thermoses

So we’re all trying to live greener and healthier. Then there’s the school lunch. It offers a green-living, food-purist some serious issue.

Even before I endeavored to be green, I had a problem with the school lunch what with the difference between a 100% natural fruit drink, 100% juice and 100% fruit juice and natural flavor versus no artificial flavor. Then there was the question of high fructose corn syrup… and finally, landfills. (more…)

November 5, 2009

The Perfect Dish for a Cold Autumn Day

Filed under: Food & Recipes — Tags: , , , , , , , — serena @ 10:04 am

Cannellini Beans

Today I decided to make cannellini beans.


“What?” you might ask. “Don’t you just buy those in a can?”


Well, you can do that, or you can buy them dried and spend a couple hours immersed in the fragrant aroma of simmering beans, garlic and herbs. Two hours of simmering is perfect for cold days like (more…)

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